
- Obtained From
- In the deep sea.
- Sells For
- 400
- Appears
- May through early September (night) (7%)

- Obtained From
- In the deep sea.
- Sells For
- 200
- Appears
- June through August (morning, evening, and day) (10%)

- Obtained From
- In rivers.
- Sells For
- 3000
- Appears
- June through early September (morning, evening, and night) (2%)

- Obtained From
- In rivers.
- Sells For
- 10000
- Appears
- (1% July - Sep (Night - Early Morning))

- Obtained From
- In rivers.
- Sells For
- 10000
- Appears
- (1% June - Sep (Night - Early Morning))

- Obtained From
- In rivers.
- Sells For
- 200
- Appears
- March (night) (16%)

- Obtained From
- In the sea.
- Sells For
- 5000
- Appears
- November (all day) (5%)

- Obtained From
- In rivers.
- Sells For
- 900
- Appears
- December through February (day) (18%)

- Obtained From
- In rivers.
- Sells For
- 300
- Appears
- August (morning and evening) (16%)

- Obtained From
- In the sea.
- Sells For
- 125
- Appears
- (5% Winter (Night))

- Obtained From
- In rivers.
- Sells For
- 120
- Appears
- June through early September (day)/October through November (day) (10%)

- Obtained From
- In the sea.
- Sells For
- 10000
- Appears
- July/August (end)/September (end) (all day) (2%)

- Obtained From
- In the sea.
- Sells For
- 1000
- Appears
- May through June (night) (8%)

- Obtained From
- In rivers.
- Sells For
- 300
- Appears
- October (night)/November (day and night) (15%)

- Obtained From
- In rivers.
- Sells For
- 800
- Appears
- Early September (night) (16%)

- Obtained From
- In the deep sea.
- Sells For
- 900
- Appears
- Island only (day) (10%)

- Obtained From
- In waterfalls.
- Sells For
- 3800
- Appears
- March through April/October (morning and evening) (8%)

- Obtained From
- In rivers.
- Sells For
- 1000
- Appears
- October (morning and evening) (11%)

- Obtained From
- In the deep sea.
- Sells For
- 300
- Appears
- January (day) (13%)

- Obtained From
- In the sea.
- Sells For
- 650
- Appears
- May through June (night)/July through early August (all day) (8%)

- Obtained From
- In the ocean when it is raining.
- Sells For
- 15000
- Appears
- All year (night) (2%)

- Obtained From
- In rivers.
- Sells For
- 200
- Appears
- April (day) (13%)

- Obtained From
- In rivers.
- Sells For
- 120
- Appears
- March/October (day) (22%)

- Obtained From
- In the sea.
- Sells For
- 300
- Appears
- January (day)/February (morning, evening, and night)/December (morning and evening) (14%)

- Obtained From
- In rivers.
- Sells For
- 200
- Appears
- March (night) (16%)

- Obtained From
- In rivers.
- Sells For
- 15000
- Appears
- June through September (morning and evening) (2%)

- Obtained From
- In the deep sea.
- Sells For
- 300
- Appears
- May (night) (10%)

- Obtained From
- In rivers.
- Sells For
- 2000
- Appears
- July (night) (12%)

- Obtained From
- In the deep sea.
- Sells For
- 200
- Appears
- (3% in all months)

- Obtained From
- In the sea.
- Sells For
- 2500
- Appears
- January through February (night) (8%)

- Obtained From
- In rivers.
- Sells For
- 300
- Appears
- October through March (night) (5%)

- Obtained From
- In rivers.
- Sells For
- 120
- Appears
- August (all day) (10%)

- Obtained From
- Location:In lakes.
- Sells For
- 6000
- Appears
- (1% June - Sep (Night - Early Morning))

- Obtained From
- In the deep sea.
- Sells For
- 9000
- Appears
- Island only (all day) (4%)

- Obtained From
- In rivers.
- Sells For
- 5500
- Appears
- (2% June - Sep.)

- Obtained From
- In the sea.
- Sells For
- 4500
- Appears
- Island only (day) (2%)

- Obtained From
- In rivers.
- Sells For
- 1300
- Appears
- June through August (day) (2%)

- Obtained From
- In rivers.
- Sells For
- 1300
- Appears
- June through early September (day) (3%)

- Obtained From
- In the sea.
- Sells For
- 8000
- Appears
- (1% in all months)

- Obtained From
- In the deep sea.
- Sells For
- 4000
- Appears
- December through February (morning and evening) (5%)

- Obtained From
- In the sea.
- Sells For
- 150
- Appears
- March (day) (30%)

- Obtained From
- In the deep sea.
- Sells For
- 1500
- Appears
- August through early September (night) (5%)

- Obtained From
- In rivers.
- Sells For
- 300
- Appears
- June (day) (5%)

- Obtained From
- Sea (early September)/River (late September)
- Sells For
- 1800
- Appears
- Early September (sea; all day) (6%)

- Obtained From
- In rivers.
- Sells For
- 4000
- Appears
- All year (morning and evening) (2%)

- Obtained From
- In rivers.
- Sells For
- 300
- Appears
- April (day) (21%)

- Obtained From
- In the deep sea.
- Sells For
- 2500
- Appears
- May (all day)/December (morning, evening, and day) (5%)

- Obtained From
- In the deep sea.
- Sells For
- 1250
- Appears
- March through April/early September (night) (8%)

- Obtained From
- In rivers.
- Sells For
- 2000
- Appears
- October through November (night) (5%)

- Obtained From
- In the sea.
- Sells For
- 2000
- Appears
- (2% in all months)